News & Conference

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News & Conference

PHP | OSI Days 2010: Participate at the confluence of PHP's finest!

PHP | OSI Days 2010 is the premier PHP conference being organised at Asia's largest Open Source Conference - OSI Days 2010. We invite you to come and lead a tutorial / session or participate in Panel Discussions at OSI Days 2010 specifically for the PHP domain. The last date for submitting a proposal for the conference is 15th June 2010. The conference is scheduled for September 19-21, 2010 at Chennai, India.

ZendCon 2010!

The 6th Annual Zend/PHP Conference will bring together PHP developers and IT managers from around the world to discuss PHP best practices and explore new technologies.

PHP 5.3.3 and 5.2.14 are out

July 22 has seen the release of two new versions of PHP from the main development lines — the innovator 5.3.x and the previous 5.2.x. There are interesting news for these new releases, which are both stable ones..

The PHP Barcelona Conference 2010 Call for papers is now open!

The PHP Barcelona Conference 2010 will take place from the 22nd to the 23rd of October and is a unique opportunity to share knowledge and expertise with other developers, architects, managers, and prominent community members on the very shore of the Mediterranean.

International PHP Conference Spring Edition 2010

Dear friends of PHP, Almost 10 years after its inception, the International PHP Conference welcomes you to exiting new sessions and workshops run by both well-known and brand-new stars from the PHP universe. And we have included sessions on two of the most trending topics of these days – agile development and cloud computing. In times of tight budgets it is getting more and more important to release web applications as fast and as bugfree as possible. 2010 Web Techno Conference The PHP Quebec team is always working hard in order to organize events that will respond to the needs of the community. Therefore, we accept the fact that those needs may exceed the scope of PHP itself and that every technology might have something to learn from others. For the 2010 edition, the Conference will be called 2010 and will unite the strength and leadership of many partners such as PHP Quebec, Montreal Python, Ruby Montreal Community, W3Qc, OWASP, etc., in order to present what we hope to be the largest Web event in Montreal.

International PHP Conference 2010

Dear friends of PHP, Not just another conference – this year has seen some high-valued conferences (like our IPC Spring Edition in Berlin) and we are already preparing the next big PHP conference. But this year makes a difference. It‘s the 10th.